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In this photography workshop you will have the opportunity to acquire and/or deepen knowledge to plan and perform, among others, images of the Sunrise and the Milky Way (Thursday 17th will be New Moon), including characteristic elements of the Delta, as the Faro del Fangar or the Torre de San Juan, with the app Planit Pro: Photo Planner. We will enjoy the beautiful Delta landscape, taking advantage of the opportunity offered by the fields, the Ebro river, and the bays of Fangar and Alfacs, to compose images with their characteristic reflections. Please, contact for more information.

4 thoughts on “Photographic Workshop Delta del Ebro - Milky Way and Landscape, 16th to 18th September 2020

    1. Hola Merce,

      Queda 1 plaza disponible. Si precisas de alojamiento, en el. Delta Hotel queda una habitación libre. En cuanto al precio, tienes toda la info en el PDF que te mandé por correo-e hace unos días. Si te parece bien, lo seguimos comentando por Facebook, que fue por dónde lo hablamos.

    1. Hola Núria,

      T’acabo d’enviar per correu-e tota la informació al respecte. Moltes gràcies per l’interès en el taller! 😉


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