*** Finished *** In these two photography workshops, identical but one designed for those who can combine it during the week and the other for those who want to spend the Halloween weekend in a different way, you will have the opportunity to acquire and/or deepen knowledge about the composition of autumnal landscape scenes, in a place specially indicated for this type of photographs such as the Val d’Aran.
During the 3 days of each workshop, there will be morning and afternoon outings, to take pictures in different locations. The rest of the hours of the day, we will dedicate them to review some important aspects of the composition and comment on the images made during the outings, according to these compositional criteria. Contact for more information.
Porfa… Programa i ubicacions del taller…
Hola Josep,
Moltes gràcies per l’interès! T’envio un correu-e amb tota la informació al respecte.
Podries fer-me arribar més info d’aquest taller? Moltes gràcies.
Hola Oriol,
En breu t’ho passo per correu-e. Moltes gràcies per l’interès.
Hola Pep,
Quan puguis em pots passar la info d’aquest taller?????? moltes gràcies !!!
Hola Sunsi,
Et passo un correu-e amb el PDF on s’inclou tota la informació al respecte. Moltes gràcies per l’interès!