Hello everybody! Hope you are very well!
Attending to the request of some of you, so that you can better plan your activities by the end of the year, we are giving you the list of photo workshops we are working with, in case it may be of your interest:
We will publish them as soon as we’ll have all the information ready. If you are interested in any of the workshops, please contact me and I will send you the PDF with all the information about it as soon as we have it ready.
Kindest regards and lots of encouragment!
Attending to the request of some of you, so that you can better plan your activities by the end of the year, we are giving you the list of photo workshops we are working with, in case it may be of your interest:
- The Moon and La Mola / Terrassa – 31th August to 2nd September (during the week).
- Milky Way and Landscape / Delta del Ebro – 16th to 18th September (during the week).
- Moon and Landscape / Delta del Ebro – 30th September to 2nd October (during the week).
- Autumn Colours at Riaño and Picos de Europa I / León – 15th to 18th October (weekend).
- Autumn Colours at Riaño and Picos de Europa II / León – 18th to 21st October (during the week).
- Autumn Colours at Val d’Aran – 25th al 28th October (during the week).
- The Moon, Landscape and Wildlife (Cranes) – Laguna Gallocanta / Aragón – 29th November to 2nd December (during the week).
We will publish them as soon as we’ll have all the information ready. If you are interested in any of the workshops, please contact me and I will send you the PDF with all the information about it as soon as we have it ready.
Kindest regards and lots of encouragment!
Hola Pep, tens prevista alguna sortida/taller per el delta?
Hola Xavier,
Sí, però, si no hi ha canvis, ja de cara a l’any vinent, cap al mes de maig, que és quan hi tornarà a haver aigua als camps.
Aprofito per comentar-te que, si pot ser del teu interès, et pots subscriure, sense compromís, al butlletí que s’envia automàticament per correu-e quan publiquem alguna nova activitat mitjançant aquest enllaç…
Moltes gràcies per contactar i per l’interès! 😉
Me gustaría tener más información de la salida al Delta en Septiembre
Hola Mila,
Te acabo de mandar por correo-e el PDF con toda la información al respecto. Muchas gracias por el interés! 😉