*** Cancelled because Covid ***
In this photographic workshop there will be the opportunity to acquire and/or deepen knowledge to plan and make, among others, images of the rises and sets of the Sun and the Moon (Monday 30th will be full), through the app Planit Pro: Photo Planner, including some of the characteristic elements of the area. We will enjoy the picturesque landscape offered by the Laguna de Gallocanta and its surroundings, practicing the composition of autumn scenes, almost winter, while we will try to capture images of the wildlife that lives there, whether resident or migratory. During the 4 days of the workshop, there will be morning and afternoon outings to take pictures in different locations. The rest of the day will be spent reviewing some important aspects of the composition and commenting on the images taken during the outings, according to these compositional criteria. If you are interested, please, contact me and I will send you the PDF with all the information about it.
Soc company del Lluís Sanchez i m’agradaria rebra informació sobre aquest taller.
M’agradaria rebre informació sobre aquest taller
Hola Lluis,
Ara mateix t’ho faig arribar per correu-e. Moltes gràcies per l’interès! 😉
El mateix dia 9 ja em vaig apuntar. No he rebut cap resposta però suposo que ja us ha arribat la inscripció.
Lluís Sànchez