Hello everybody! Hope you are very well!
Attending to the request of some of you, so that you can better plan your activities by the end of the year, we are giving you the list of photo workshops we are working with, in case it may be of your interest:





  • Landscape & Wildlife (Cranes) Workshop / Laguna Gallocanta (Aragón) – 28th November to 1st December (weekdays).


  • Chamois & Wildlife Workshops/ Riaño-Picos de Europa (León-Cantabria) – 3rd to 7th and 7th to 11th December.

We will publish them as soon as we’ll have all the information ready. If you are interested in any of the workshops, please contact me and I will send you the PDF with all the information about it as soon as we have it ready. On the other hand, if you know anyone who might be interested in any of these workshops, we would be very grateful if you could send them this list. Thank you so much in advance!

Regarding the Kingfisher Hide activity, we will try to carry it out, as last year, in the days left between the workshops and other prospecting activities (it is planned to make a trip to Costa Rica in September and another to Gambia in November). Remember that the Kingfisher only visits the Ebro Delta (and with a guarantee of taking photos) from August to December.

There is still a workshop on Photography with Smartphone that, due to the busy schedule, will probably be in the second half of December. We will keep you informed.

We are also very pleased to have your opinion, essential when studying new projects, so any suggestions you think may be interesting to develop new activities, will be very welcome!

We remain at your disposal for any queries or questions you may have.

Kindest regards and lots of good photos!


6 thoughts on “Photographic Workshops Program 2022 - Second semester

  1. Tallers Colors de Tardor a Riaño i Picos de Europa / Crémenes (León) – 16 a 19 octubre. Possibilitat d’enllaçar amb el segon taller a Ponga.
    Taller Paisatge Etnològic 2 / Ponga (Asturias) – 19 a 22 octubre. Possibilitat d’enllaçar amb el segon taller de tardor a Riaño, que es fa abans.
    Taller Paisatge i Fauna (Grues) / Laguna Gallocanta (Aragón) – 28 novembre a 1 desembre (entre setmana).
    Hola Pep, aquest son es tallers que me interesen.

    1. Hola Jaume,

      Moltes gràcies per l’interès en els talleres! M’ho anoto i així que anem tenint la informació dispoonible, te la fem arribar.

      Una abraçada,

    1. Hola Anna,

      Moltes gràcies per l’interès en el taller! Anotat! Així que tingui la informació disponible, te la faig arribar.


  2. Hi Pep, I am impressed by the number and variety of the workshops, I would be interested in attending next year if possible. Please add me to the mailing list.

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