***** Finished *****
In this photography workshop you will have the opportunity to learn and/or deepen knowledge to get images of the fireworks in a different and very showy way: according to the technique of gradual focus and defocus.
If it may be of your interest, please, contact me and I will send you the PDF with all the information about it.
In this photography workshop you will have the opportunity to learn and/or deepen knowledge to get images of the fireworks in a different and very showy way: according to the technique of gradual focus and defocus.
If it may be of your interest, please, contact me and I will send you the PDF with all the information about it.
M?agradaria coneixer la tècnica del trasfocament , es possible rebre el PDF ?
Hola M. Rosa,
Moltes gràcies per contactar. Comentar-te que aquest taller ja es va fer. El que sí et podria passar, si estiguessis interessada i poguessis venir, és el PDF de la informació del taller de Sitges, que farem el 23 d’agost. Ja em dius.
Muy buenas!! Podría recibir por favor información de este taller? Como vivo en Madrid, me diría por favor si es fácil llegar en transporte público? Un saludo!!
Hola Mariví,
Muchas gracias por contactar y por el interés en el taller. Le contesto por correo-e.